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No Nama Country Nationality AA Reg Registration No. and date of registration Academic Qualification and date of graduation Years of Experience After Graduation Years of Experience After Licensure Specialization Date MC Approved Date AAC Endorsed Status
51 Indrasetiadjid Kartakoesoema Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 52 30 April 2014 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1988 27 to be updated to be updated 08/Jan/2015 13/Jan/2015 Active
52 Sigit Setyabudi Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 53 9 May 2014 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Gadjah Mada Univ., 1991 Master Degree Majoring Management, Gadjah Mada Univ., 1995 20 to be updated to be updated 08/Jan/2015 13/Jan/2015 Active
53 I Made Gde Dharmendra Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 54 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, 2002 13 8 Villa and Resort 20/Apr/2015 06/May/2015 Active
54 I Kadek Pranajaya Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 55 31 December 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Udayana Univ., 1999 Master Degree Majoring Urban Management and Planning, Udayana Univ., 2011 16 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 06/May/2015 Active
55 Ketut Gde Astien Supatra Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 56 31 December 2004 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Udayana Univ., 1984 31 11 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 06/May/2015 Active
56 Herry Palguna Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 57 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Architecture, Ngurah Rai Univ., 1995 20 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 06/May/2015 Active
57 Yogi Yogama Suhamdan Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 58 2008 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, National Institute of Technology - Bandung, 1999 16 7 Commercial Building, Mixed Use, Sport Facility, and Educational Building 20/Apr/2015 06/May/2015 Active
58 I Ketut Budiarsa Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 59 12 July 2008 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Ngurah Rai Univ., 1989 Master Degree Majoring Management, Wijaya Putra Univ., 2007 Master Degree Majoring Urban Management and Planning, Udayana Univ., 2011 26 7 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 07/May/2015 Active
59 I Wayan Runa Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 60 19 July 2009 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Udayana Univ., 1986 Master Degree Majoring Architecture, Gadjah Mada Univ., 1993 Doctor of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada Univ., 2004 29 6 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 08/May/2015 Active
60 I Gusti Lanang Ngurah Wiantara Indonesia Indonesian AA/ID 61 21 September 2007 Bachelor Degree Majoring Architecture, Udayana Univ., 1995 20 8 to be updated 20/Apr/2015 09/May/2015 Active